What makes a law firm uniquely qualified
to handle your business? At Steven M. Garber & Associates, upfront honesty with our
clients is paramount. Whether you’re a business start-up
or a 100-year old firm, we believe it’s vital to discuss
the matter at hand in the most frank and open way possible.
So much of this philosophy comes from our
experience. In today’s
world of brand-name litigators, there is an ever-widening gulf
between those who do and those who talk about doing.
When you bring your matter to Steven M. Garber & Associates,
you’ll experience a different perspective on every discussion
point. Real-world expertise is more than just a quick turn of
the page in a marketing quote book. It defines actual,
in-the-courtroom experience for which there is no substitute.
It’s not uncommon for us to help a new business incorporate
and work through their growth cycle well into maturity. In a
world where one-time engagements are common, Steven M. Garber & Associates
makes it a point to be a vital participant in the lifespan of
any business. We specialize in civil litigation, but general
business law is how we built our practice, and it’s something
we’ll always do. This practical approach to law separates
us from our peers, and helps define the essence of who we are
as professionals and people.
From the kitchen tables of mom-and-pop operations
to the boardrooms of the world’s largest corporations, Steven M. Garber & Associates’ professional
philosophy finds itself right at home. Which is why we always
begin our conversations with new clients the same way: let
us show you how good it can really be.
It’s not a slogan. It’s a business
philosophy you can thrive on.